SFTH 729 – Do You Know Him? Part 2

SFTH 729 – Do You Know Him? Part 2

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Originally Aired 03-05-17

Today, we are picking up where we left off last week. As you probably know, a few weeks ago Pastor Charlie went to be with the Lord. In memory of him, we are continuing our broadcast of one of his many messages, “Do You Know Him?”

Charles Sharpe held many titles throughout his life including Pastor, President and Founder of Ozark National Life Insurance Company, Marine, salesman, farmer, mentor and friend. But the accolade he most desired to hear was from his Lord, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” We have put together this short video to remember Pastor Charlie.

SFTH 729 Do You Know Him? Part 2 from hlandtv on Vimeo.

SFTH 728 – Do You Know Him? Part 1

SFTH 728 – Do You Know Him? Part 1

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Originally Aired 02-19-17

As you probably know, a few weeks ago Pastor Charlie went to be with the Lord. It’s been a difficult time here and we really wanted to take a few weeks to remember him and his messages.
This week we’re going to listen to Pastor Charlie talk about his favorite subject, Knowing God.
Charles Sharpe held many titles throughout his life including Pastor, President and Founder of Ozark National Life Insurance Company, Marine, salesman, farmer, mentor and friend. But the accolade he most desired to hear was from his Lord, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” We have put together this short video to remember Pastor Charlie.
Thank you for watching with us. Please come back next week we’ll be broadcasting the second half of this message.
SFTH 728 Do You Know Him? Part 1 from hlandtv on Vimeo.

SFTH 727 – God’s Construction Crew Part 2

SFTH 727 – God’s Construction Crew Part 2

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Originally Aired 02-12-17

Prayer is phase two of God’s Construction. He wants us to ask for answers to prayer, but He also wants us to be ready to be the answer to prayer. Just like Nehemiah was ready when the king asked him, “What can I do to help?” We need to be asking God for solutions to our circumstances, so that we can be ready to be the answer.

SFTH 727 Gods Construction Crew Part 2 from hlandtv on Vimeo.

SFTH 728 – Do You Know Him? Part 1

SFTH 726 – Gods Construction Crew Part 1

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Originally Aired 02-05-17

This week we want to share a missions trip to South Dakota. It was only about a month and a half ago. Our Church sends out our youth group every year to assist local pastors to put on a Christmas production and gift giving. We hope you enjoy seeing what God is doing in South Dakota.

God’s burden becomes our burden. You know it’s fitting leading up into Missions Conference to think about that. We talked last week about how God changes our hearts and this message is a great continuation of that. Our motivations are changed and our lives no longer become about us but about building the Kingdom of God. We basically become God’s Construction Crew.

SFTH 726 Gods Construction Crew Part 1 from hlandtv on Vimeo.